Apus: The wiki team has been working with the AQW devs to get a new map, Wiki Pic up to help with taking pictures for the wiki using the Launcher. Savi office driver. We encourage everyone to please use the new map for pictures. The fastest, easiest way to get you your rewards is to automatically give them to you the next time you log in after the daily server reset. Servers reset at midnight EST. So if you are logging into AQWorlds for the first time today, you'll see your award. If you already logged into the game today, you'll get your rewards when you log in tomorrow.
Aqw Grimoire 3.9

Sort by: Classes - Weapon Damage - Rare - Reputation - Seasonal - Specialoffer - Tier-Two
Legend - Non-Rare Legend
Free Player - Non-Rare Free Player
AdventureCoin - Non-Rare AdventureCoin Hum paanch movie song. Pokemon x version game download.
Auto updating list of all Non-Rare Free Player Classes
Grimoire Aqw 2020

Alpha DOOMmega
Arachnomancer (Non-AC)
ArchPaladin (Class) (0 AC)
Blaze Binder (Merge)
Blood Sorceress
Chaos Slayer Berserker (Non-AC)
Chaos Slayer Cleric (Non-AC)
Chaos Slayer Mystic (Non-AC)
Chaos Slayer Thief (Non-AC)
Classic Pirate (Class)
Cryomancer (Merge)
Darkblood StormKing (Non-AC)
Dragon of Time (Class)
Dragonslayer (Class)
Dragonslayer General (Class) (Merge)
Elemental Dracomancer (Non-AC)
Eternal Inversionist (Class) (Non-AC)
Evolved Leprechaun (Merge)
Evolved Shaman (Non-AC)
Frostval Barbarian (0 AC)
Glacial Berserker (Class) (Non-AC)
Horc Evader (Non-AC)
Lord Of Order (Quest)
Lycan (Class) (Non-AC)
Master Ranger
Necromancer (Merge)
Ninja (Class)
No Class
Northlands Monk (Class) (Free Player)
Obsidian No Class
Pyromancer (Class) (Merge)
Royal BattleMage (Class)
Scarlet Sorceress (Class) (Quest)
Shadow Dragon Shinobi (Class) (Merge)
ShadowScythe General (Class) (Merge)
StoneCrusher (Merge)
The Collector (Class) (Merge)
Thief of Hours (Non-AC)
Troll Spellsmith (Non-AC)
Vampire Lord (Class) (Merge)
Void Highlord (Class) (1)
Warrior (Class)