Nightmare Creatures 2 PAL PSX CD: Title: Nightmare Creatures 2 PAL PSX CD: Size: 761 x 768: Filesize: 70.8 KB: To save right click on the cover below and choose Save.
Untuk Nightmare Creatures II PS1 ini pemeran utamanya hampir mirip seperti monster dan beda sekali dengan Nigmare Creatures sebelumnya yang di mainkan oleh manusia. Game Nightmare Creatures II PS1 memiliki keindahan grafis yang sangat bagus dan juga halus kok jadi anda pasti betah memainkan game ini hehe. Nightmare Creatures is a third-person action-adventure survival horror video game for Nintendo 64. This game developed by Kalisto Entertainment and published by Activision. N64 Roms are playable on PC. NASCAR 99 N64 ROM (USA/EUR).
Enter Left, Up, Triangle, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, Up or Left, Up, Triangle, Down, Circle, Triangle, Square, Down as a password. Then, infinite continues, level select, and play as a monster options will be available. Alternatively, enter Left, Up, X, Square, Down, Triangle, Square, Down as a password.
Debug modeEnable the 'Cheat mode' code, then press L1(3), R1(3), L2(3), R2(3), Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
One-hit killsEnable the 'Cheat mode' code, then press L1, R1, L2, R2, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Now it will only take one hit to kill a creature.
Small creaturesEnable the 'Cheat mode' code, then press L2(2), R1(2), L1, R2, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Now start a game, pause, and enable the 'Reduce' option to shrink the creatures in the game.
Blurry modeKotion each g9600 mic not working together. Enable the 'Cheat mode' code, then press L1, L2(2), L1, L2(2), L1, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Music selectEnable the 'Cheat mode' code, then press L1(4), R1(3), Select. Then, pause the game, highlight the 'Current Track' option, and press Left or Right to select a song.
Level selectAt the title screen, press L1(2), L2, R1(2), R2, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Now start a game and pause to access an option that allows you to choose any level.
Level passwordsPassword | |
Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Square, X, Square | |
Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Down, Square, Up | |
Triangle, Square, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Down, Up, Square | |
Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Down, Down, X | |
Triangle, Down, Triangle, X, Triangle, Down, Left, Circle | |
Triangle, Left, Triangle, X, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Circle | |
Triangle, Right, Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle | |
Circle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, Circle, Square, X | |
Circle, Circle, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Down | |
Circle, X, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Down, Left, Down | |
Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Square | |
Circle, Up, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Down, Circle, Square | |
Circle, Down, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Circle, X, Down | |
Circle, Left, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square | |
Circle, Right, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Up, Square | |
X, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, Square, Down, Up, | |
X, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Left, Up, | |
X, X, X, Square, Circle, Down, Circle, Down, | |
X, Square, X, Square, Circle, Left, X, Down, | |
Up, Circle, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Square, X, Square | |
Up, X, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Square, Square, X | |
Up, Square, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up, Up, X | |
Up, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Down, Down, X | |
Up, Down, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Left, Left, X | |
Up, Left, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X | |
Up, Right, Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle | |
Down, Triangle, X, X, Circle, X, Square, Square, | |
Down, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Square, Down, Up, | |
Down, X, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Left, Up, | |
Down, Square, X, Square, Triangle, Left, Circle, Up, | |
Down, Up, X, Square, Triangle, Left, Circle, Up, | |
Down, Down, X, Square, Triangle, Triangle, X, Up, | |
Down, Left, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Up, | |
Down, Right, X, Square, Triangle, X, Up, Up, | |
Left, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, Square, Down, Up, | |
Left, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Right, Up, | |
Left, X, X, Square, Circle, Down, Circle, Down, | |
Left, Square, X, Square, Circle, Left, X, Down, |
Reverse Joker Command | D008EF2C ???? |
Infinite Adrenaline (BPC) | 80055E9C 0000 80055E9E 0000 |
Infinite Spider Cards | 800CC05A 0009 |
Infinite Green Spike Balls | 800CC05C 0009 |
Infinite Myst Potions | 800CC05E 0009 |
Infinite Snow Flakes | 800CC060 0009 |
Infinite Dynamite | 800CC062 0009 |
Infinite Lightning Bolts | 800CC064 0009 |
Infinite Torches | 800CC066 0009 |
Infinite Semi-Gun Bullets | 800CC068 0009 |
Infinite Saw Blades | 800CC06A 0009 |
Infinite Mega Heals | 800CC06C 0009 |
Infinite Heals | 800CC06E 0009 |
Infinite Skulls | 800CC070 0009 |
Infinite Normal Bullets | 800CC072 0009 |
Start a New Game as a Monster | 801FFF84 3000 |
Sony Playstation / PSX PS1 ISOs
Genre: ActionAdventureRating: ESRB: M
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