<sgdisplay iterations='1'>[main]
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Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator. MapGen4 - Continents with advanced river, mountain, and coast generation. City Map Generator More Square. City Map Generator More organic. City Map Generator Procedural, fractal-based on-the-fly generation. Planet Generator. Random Terrain generator (advanced coastal algorithm) (Stanford CS project) Polygon World. Your browser does not support the element. Replace it first. PlanetMaker - Create your own planet, real or imaginary. About: PlanetMaker allows you to create and tweak your own planet using image textures, lighting, and more importantly, your imagination. Sprinkcad price. World Creator is a real-time terrain generator and landscape generator, which is industry proven by many game, movie and artwork companies.
- main
1,A[Theme] tale where the party attempts to [Goal]. They are drawn in because of [Hook]. It mostly takes place [GeneralSetting], with key events also at [SpecificSetting] and [SpecificSetting]. Aided by [AlliesNeutrals] but opposed by the [MasterVillains] and his minions, the [MinorVillains] and the [MinorVillains], the basic plot is [Plot], ending with [Climax]. Along the way, they will have to fight a [MonsterEncounters], deal with a [CharacterEncounters], and maybe even avoid getting caught in a [Traps].
- Theme
8,n Action/Adventure2, Comedy3,n Espionage4, Horror3, Mystery1, Revenge1, Romance
- Goal
1,clear their name1,escape2,explore a new area1,encounter an old villain2,gain money2,gain power2,protect endangered NPCs1,rescue NPCs1,retrieve an item1,settle a debt2,survive the environment3,thwart a monstrous plan1,win a war1,prevent a war
- Hook
4,a dying delivery2,grim necessity2,a Hero offended2,legend and rumour1,a case of mistaken identity2,a mysterious woman3,an old enemy2,an old friend2,someone pressing the PC’s buttons2,an attempt on the PC’s life
- GeneralSetting
1,on an alternate Plane38,in a cosmopolitan city5,in an exotic distant land5,in a hero’s home town20,on the road10,on the sea10,in torturous terrain8,underground2,under the sea
- SpecificSetting
5,catacombs5,caves of magical folk10,a classic dungeon9,the docks2,a laboratory5,a Legendary Forest5,a lost city5,a madman’s fortress2,a magical lake9,the mansion of powerful NPC4,a military encampment3,the palace of the ruler or local lord4,ancient ruins3,the slums10,a tavern or inn10,a temple or church15,[Art, Grace, and Guts Oracle.Locations Lcase]4,[Poetic Destinations.main]
- AlliesNeutrals

2,Absent-minded expert2,Merry minstrel1,Arrogant snob1,Childhood friend with a dark secret1,Congenial madman1,Crusty old professional1,Gibbering madman1,Government observer1,Hero-worshipper1,Ingenue in distress1,Inquisitive chronicler1,Obsequious merchant1,Romantic loony1,Talkative barkeep1,Tragic fellow hero1,Villain ally
- MasterVillains
2,Advance Agent2,Conqueror2,Corruptor2,Destroyer2,Lovable Rogue2,Organizer2,Ravager2,Zealot1,[Creepy Fantasy Villain.main]1,Agent Provocateur1,Avenger1,Chance or circumstance1,Sufferer
- MinorVillains
2,Chief assassin2,Childhood friend with a dark secret2,Inquisitor2,Lovable rogue2,Mistress or daughter with a heart of gold2,Moronic muscleman2,Single-minded soldier1,[Secret Society Title.SecretSocietyName]1,Avenger1,Corrupted hero1,Corrupted relative1,Coward1,Hard-eyed advisor1,Misguided moralist1,Sniveling vizier
- Plot
2,A->B->C Quest2,Accumulation of events1,The Event2,Geographic progression1,Series of villains1,a [MinorVillains] pretends to ally with the heroes before stabbing them in the back
- Climax
1,Bloody battle2,Chase to ground ([Chase])1,Divine retribution2,Prevented deed2,Scattered duels2,Throne-room duel
Terrain Generator 3d
- MonsterEncounters
3,Nocturnal predator3,Ravager2,Assassin-beast2,Beast amok2,Foreshadowing monster2,King beast2,Loving deceiver2,Powerful tester2,Terrain monster1,Noble beast1,Reconnaissance monster1,Stampede
- CharacterEncounters
3,Blackmailer2,Belligerent soldier2,Inquisitive official2,Mean drunk2,New enemy2,Old friend at the wrong time2,Seducer2,Thief1,Bandit gang1,Bureaucrat1,Lying accuser1,Press gang1,Truthful accuser
Fantasy Terrain Generator
- Traps
4,Rock and a hard place3,Pit and the pendulum2,Animal pit2,Demolition zone2,Mutually assured destruction2,Tomb deathtraps1,Avalanche1,Coliseum1,Framed1,Stampede
- SpecialConditions
3,Coping with curse2,Magic doesn’t work right2,No hurting the villain2,No lawbreaking2,No weapons allowed1,Omnipresent observer1,Stolen identities7,Time limit
- RedHerrings
1,Artifact doesn’t work1,Extraneous details3,False path to solution step1,Loony has it all wrong4,Lying rumour
- Omens
1,Birthmark pertains1,Comet’s progress1,Fortune-teller predicts doom3,Hero fulfills prophecy2,Innocent fulfills prophecy1,Reincarnation1,Totem animal
- Quandaries
3,Ally Quandary3,Friend Quandary6,Honor Quandary4,Respect Quandary4,Saving Quandary
- Chase
1,Aerial1,Endurance2,Footrace2,Horseback6,Special terrain1,Water
- VillainWeakness

1,Element or ingredient1,Holy symbol1,Lack of familiarity1,Love1,Secret Embarrassment1,Pride
- Complications
1,Heroes must work with villain2,Mission is a ruse2,NPC turns traitor1,Villain accompanies party1,Villain related to hero3,Wanted by the law
Inspired by the DM’s Design Kit for 1e AD&D